An Experience Unlike Any Other
General Golf Guidance:
Modified Rules can be made within your group if all agree. Nobody else will care, it’s your match! Brew just needs documented winner(s) for the match(es)!
The Cup will have a format & tees set for each round. If you don't like it, refer to the first bullet above.
All putts should be putted out! <Note: first bullet above allows you to do what you want, but default is to just putt it...make it and move on!>
All Matches are Match Play – that’s how we ‘handicap’
All Hazards are played as lateral – penalty stroke, but drop ball at point of entry or nearest relief (aka take the distance).
Don’t spend too much time searching for balls, just drop & go. If your group agrees the ball would be findable if you had more time to look, drop & go w/o a penalty (aka The Tiger Woods Rule - Tiger would have NEVER lost that ball!)…but check with your opponents! Also, see bullet below about Noodle golf balls.
Winter Rules: Play ball up w/in a club length of original location.
Brew’s Rule: We don’t play on TV & we all pay for our own clubs. Give yourself a reasonable shot & eliminate chance of damaging clubs on trees, cart paths, etc. (NOTE: If your lie has you hitting thru a tree or opposite handed, then roll your ball to give line of sight to your target…but you still have to hit UNDER the tree!)
Put all names on your scorecard & record scores however you want to. I need to know who won and the final score (i.e. Brew Wins 3 & 2).
For all bus departure & shotgun tee times…please be on time, we won’t wait for you!
Brew’s advice: Don’t follow Jimmy, he will always be late!
Please support & tip our Cart Girls generously!
By no means say “We don’t need you, we brought our own!”…even if the Cart Girl is a beeotch…it ends up in legal warnings on the carts the next morning!
Bring your rain gear...if the course is open, we play!
Items Supplied (in addition to what’s on the current trip page):
CC will pay for lodging, golf & meals included in the trip price on a Master Bill. Anything else is paid by individuals.
We will feed you well, so expect to gain weight…Thanks, Toolman!
Noodle golf balls – there are plenty to go around (hundreds, if you need perspective), just don’t be too greedy! Current supply will be exhausted after the 2027 Cup Trip...
Bug Spray – enough for at our lodging or to spray before your round. Bring your own for your bag!
Citronella Candles – for use on the patio/deck
Ibuprofen – you are gonna need it, but don’t OD…nobody is qualified to help you!
Any other questions, please refer to Rule #1! If by chance you cannot find something, I can tell you where to find it…but I might need to add it first!